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Well, the only thing constant is change. I blogged a few weeks ago about what all was going on with my mother in law and such. Well sit back relax and here we go. I'm going to make this a short version cause I"m tired. My mother in law doesn't live here anymore after a huge fight (which she started). Anyway, now she's calling bugging us to mail her tv which she left. So now we have to keep ignoring her phone calls cause she won't take a hint and leave us alone.School starts back August 5th. That means BOTH Aubrey and Austin will be gone and I'm here all alone. On one hand, I'm excited because both my boys are so big and I'll have more time to myself on the other, (this part is gonna sound silly) I think I'm having a touch of empty nest syndrome. =(. I'm doing well in my classes (yay me!!). I'm excited I'm working toward what I feel God is leading me to do.I haven't been to church in a while and I'm feeling unplugged. I want to go but Aubrey's behavior is so awful and unpredictable that I'm afraid to take him. I need prayer I feel that being home with him is what I'm suppose to do but I feel bad that I can't do what I feel is "required" of me. OH THE STRESS!!!! I'm soo stressed out that my once beautiful brown hair is speckled with grey. At the ripe ole age of 25 I'm dying my hair!!!Congrats are in order for a friend of mine who is expecting!! I feel kinda bad cause I was off of facebook for a while and I was one of the last to know. Oh well congrats anyway.Please pray for me and my family, we're going through alot. Don't get me wrong, there's some stress lifted because my mother in law is gone. We're still going through alot with the boys and trying to adjust Aubrey's meds. OH and if you want a kitten let me know!! I have a mommy cat who is due anyday!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure IF anybody still reads this anymore but for those of you who do..thanks and I apologize if my typing is horrible but my glasses broke today. Yep!! On top of EVERYTHING else my glasses broke. For starters, my mother in law is back living in my house. Her sister and brother-in-law nearly killed her. They didn't get her insulin, they told her she didn't need over half of her meds (cuz they didn't want to fill them) and a bunch of other crapp. So, here she is in my house and I swear I have seen bitter people happier. She sits all day with her arms folded and barely says a word to anyone. If you ask her what is wrong all she says is "i'm fine". They have deicded to take Aubrey off his focalin(SP?) and see if that was exaggerating his bad behavior, NOPE, but now I"ve gotta try and get them to refill it. I'm still trying to get a handle on his behavior and yes I spannk and try time out but it's not reaching him. He's really into "giving shots" here lately and normally he pretends with a lego or somthing. Today, however, he broke an antenna off of an old radio and jabbed it into austins leg. LUCKILY it just scratched it but still. All this on top of trying to go to school and stay in touch with friends and now my glasses have broken. I think I"ve had my fill of bad luck and could really use prayers. Jamie, if you're reading this I have Hayden and Alabama birth announcement canvas that I have yet to mail. Sorry.
I'm ALL for irony...most of the time it makes for great humor...except when your 4 year old is the one doing it.I awoke this morning expecting a lazy day...boy was I WRONG!!! For starters, Aubrey decided it needed to be Christmas in July and got out my BRAND NEW Christmas tree. He opened the box and attempted to put it up...he even tried putting the stand up. If this wasn't bad enough, he gets two rolls of wrapping paper and attempts to wrap our 5 kittens up as presents to put under the tree. (No kittens were harmed). Well, after we cleaned all of that up he went into our playroom to play with Austin. I quickly learned that was a BAD idea. They broke the bottom window (they broke the top one earlier) and proceeded to clean out the closet. They did this buy throwing whatever they could out the window. Well I cleaned that up and blistered both of their bottoms. Well tonight since they broke the playroom windows they were playing in Austin's room. Guess what...they BROKE THAT WINDOW TOO!!!!I'm all for declaring Independence but do they have to declare war on my windows. This has NOT been a good day.To top it all off yesterday on the way home from town I had a blow out. Luckiy I was close enought to a business where I knew the owner that I was able to get help. This definately hasn't been my weekend.