Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a day what a day

I'm not sure IF anybody still reads this anymore but for those of you who do..thanks and I apologize if my typing is horrible but my glasses broke today. Yep!! On top of EVERYTHING else my glasses broke. For starters, my mother in law is back living in my house. Her sister and brother-in-law nearly killed her. They didn't get her insulin, they told her she didn't need over half of her meds (cuz they didn't want to fill them) and a bunch of other crapp. So, here she is in my house and I swear I have seen bitter people happier. She sits all day with her arms folded and barely says a word to anyone. If you ask her what is wrong all she says is "i'm fine".
They have deicded to take Aubrey off his focalin(SP?) and see if that was exaggerating his bad behavior, NOPE, but now I"ve gotta try and get them to refill it. I'm still trying to get a handle on his behavior and yes I spannk and try time out but it's not reaching him. He's really into "giving shots" here lately and normally he pretends with a lego or somthing. Today, however, he broke an antenna off of an old radio and jabbed it into austins leg. LUCKILY it just scratched it but still.
All this on top of trying to go to school and stay in touch with friends and now my glasses have broken. I think I"ve had my fill of bad luck and could really use prayers. Jamie, if you're reading this I have Hayden and Alabama birth announcement canvas that I have yet to mail. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, take care of you! Don't worry about getting us anything right now. I hate that so much is hitting right now. It always seems to come all at once. I don't know what else to tell you, and I don't want to trite. I do still read your blog! Try to take a break for yourself, and I hate that you have family back in your house. I can't imagine!
