Tuesday, June 23, 2009


'Tis the season for Bible School and our church is no exception. Normally around this time Aubrey is pumped to be "singing for Jesus" and cannot wait to go to VBS and when it is over he usually begs for weeks to keep going. This summer however was a different story. When I asked him if he was ready to go to VBS I expected the usual resounding YES!!!!!! BIBLE SCHOOOOOLLL!! Instead, what I go was "no I don't want to go" when I asked him how come he said "Cause church scares me". Now I'm terrified and puzzled as to what on EARTH this could mean. Aubrey has always LOVED church and enjoyed going. I even explained that he could sing dance and play and he refuses to go. What should I do here???

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So You Don't Want to go to Chruch Anymore

This is the title of one of my most recent book purchases. I have to admit at first I thought this book to be Anit...well everything. I'm not through reading it but I can already tell you it is in no way church bashing or Christ bashing. In fact, it actually challenges you to think about what you've been taught and what Jesus wants to teach you. I have found it very thought provoking and interesting. I would recommend everybody read it no matter what your religion, As a matter of fact I have a thing where I give away a book after I read it because very seldom do I re-read a book. If you're intersted let me know and I'll pass it along.

Monday, June 1, 2009


For those of you wondering what's going on with the boys I guess it's time for a LONG overdue update.

Aubrey--last Friday Aubrey had an apt with the pediatric neurologist to get some more results on a muscle biopsy. We sat in that waiting room for 2 and 1/2 hours and NEVER got to see the doctor. The boys were fussy and cranky and we wanted to wait but all the rooms were full and that would have taken at LEAST another hour for us to just get into a room. Needless to say we left and I have to reschedule. Aubrey is on 2 different meds to control his ADHD...I'm not sure they're working because just this week I've had to buy locks to lock up snacks and a lock for the front door to keep both boys from running out. My patience with him is already wearing thin and today is just JUNE 1st!!

Austin-- Austin...what can we say about poor Austy. Here lately his nose has been bleeding at the drop of a hat and for no reason. He wakes up with bloody sheets, clothes u name it it's bloody. He was at supper the other night and started crying, because I tried to make him try some mashed potatoes from popeyes, and his nose started do pour blood. I have to say though sometimes it bleeds worse than others. He's still rocking like an Austistic child, banging his head all the usual stuff he does. We have an EEG scheduled for June15 but I'm not sure when we'll know the results from that. We have to go to a Dr. Friday because...well I"m not sure why but we're headed to see him. They did blood work on Austin and it came back normal. So I'm not sure where they're going from there.

I think that concludes the updates....Please keep us in your prayers...