Friday, February 6, 2009

Nearly Hit by a Bus!!!!!

I've told y'all about my routine of getting Aub off the bus. The one where I wave like an idiot at the end of my driveway:). Anyway, I realized something was wrong w/ Ms.Penny the driver. At first I thought she just couldn't talk but then I realized she was in tears. Oh my Gosh! what could have moved this lady to tears. She told me that she was on Hwy 25 and in the left hand lane (from what I gathered) and had stopped to let a little kid off the bus. She had traffic backed up and completely stopped and she looked in her rear-view mirror to make sure everyone was stopped before she let the child exit. Well the little boy had just stepped off the bus and she noticed this truck weaving in and out of the stopped traffic and was flying down the road. When the truck got RIGHT up on the bus and realized she had to stop she went to the right side of the bus!!! That's where the little boy had JUST put his feet on the ground. She was MERE inches from hitting the child when her truck finally stopped!!!!!! Scared the poor bus driver to death. She couldn't leave the bus and the child WASN'T hurt but good ole Ms.Penny stepped on that bottom step and hung her head out the door and yelled at that lady that she should've know better and BETTER be glad she didn't hurt that poor child.
Please remember the child and their family in your prayers along with Ms. Penny. They had a rough day today and it wasn't a good start to the weekend

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