Thursday, October 1, 2009


Katie, being the WONDERFUL friend that she is reminded me that I have not updated my blog in quite sometime. OOOPS!! My apologies. I've been off the internet for some time but I do however get on everynow and then to see what is happening with the rest of you.

Aubrey and Austin are undergoing a series of test this month and it's not a happy mth for me. October 5th they BOTH go for hearing test but Austing has to go to a urologist also. On October 8th Austin will be admitted into the Blair E Batson's Children's Hospital to undergo a video EEG and some sort of MRI thing that test Lactate levels in the brain. Don't ask me I dunno....

I have a new cell number and if you need it contact Heather Walker...( I don't like to post those things on the internet).

They boys are doing EXTREMELY well in their class and they are looking forward to a trip to the "pumpkin patch".

1 comment:

  1. Haha, since I'm good at reminding you of things. Will you update my blog address in your list of blogs on the side :) The new url is Good to hear from you and hope I'll be able to stop by and visit while y'all are over this way for the tests.
